
One of the cornerstones of Sha’ar Zahav’s foundation is a strong partnership among our clergy, staff and members. One way this partnership manifests itself is through participation in our various committees, groups and events. For more information, contact our Community Engagement & Admin Manager, Liliana Peliks at [email protected].

Adult Education
B’nei Mitzvah Committee
Building Committee
Executive Committee
Fundraising Committee
Membership Committee
Newsletter Committee (JGF)
Ritual Committee
Scents & Sensibility
Social Action Committee

Adult Education Committee

Contact: Rabbi Mychal Copeland

“Who is wise? He who learns from every person” (Pirkei Avot 4:1). The Adult Education Committee is charged with helping everyone learn from one another. Classes are taught by the clergy and members and embrace topics from Intro to Judaism to The Afterlife to Mussar and Kaballah. Committee members help decide on the courses, formats and scheduling; it’s an engaging discussion at every meeting (in-person and video options for all AEC meetings).


B’Mitzvah Committee

Contact: Ora Prochovnick

Contact 2: Andy Fyne

The B’ Mitzvah Committee works in partnership with our educator, rabbi, and the education and ritual committees to oversee the b’mitzvah program. We meet quarterly to review the successes and challenges of prior bar/bat mitzvah ceremonies, make sure things are on target for the upcoming cohort, arrange mentor matches, support our mentors, update policies, and coordinate each bar/bat mitzvah service. We would love new members. We don’t meet too often, we’re a fun group, and there’s not much homework between meetings – come join us!


Building Committee

Contact: Beth Ross

Are you passionate about interior design? Are you interested event space rentals? Have you ever wondered how the lights in the sanctuary get cleaned or how often the elevator gets serviced? All these secrets will be revealed to those serving on the Building Committee! We want you to think of the Sha’ar Zahav building as a second home. As such, we welcome those interested in lending a hand to organize records, siddurs, decorate the lobby or other ideas. We also offer space rentals if you’re interested in hosting a meeting or an event. You can stop by and visit our staff or check out the many books in our library. We meet as needed in Glen Park.


Executive Committee & Board of Directors (Va’ad)

Contact: Marc Lipschutz (President)

Are you skilled in finance, record keeping, presenting or possess other talents? If so, you’d make a great addition. The Executive Committee is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. It is comprised of the President, one or more Vice Presidents, the Treasurer, and two or three additional members, at the discretion of the President, at least two of whom are former officers. The duties of the Executive Committee are: developing personnel policies, procedures and job descriptions; review personnel roles, functions, responsibilities, salaries and benefits and to make appropriate recommendations to the Board; review and evaluate the performance of professional staff and advise the Board on personnel matters in closed session.  The Board of Directors is responsible for expressing the voice of the community. They are active participants and are responsible for creating committees and managing decisions of the property. They oversee investments of congregational funds and securities. They are in charge of setting an annual budget that gets approved, as well as an annual fundraising goal. The Board also votes in and approves applicants’ memberships and has the authority to engage or dismiss professional staff. If you’re curious about the specific roles, come to a Board meeting. They happen every third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM.


Fundraising Committee

Contact: Mike Shriver

Open to all members! To keep our doors open and continue being a welcoming space for all, Sha’ar Zahav engages in fundraising projects every year. Our goal is to raise much-needed funds, though specific campaigns. Fundraising efforts offer congregants, family and friends of Sha’ar Zahav the opportunity to underwrite and be recognized for significant investments in projects that help us fulfill our dreams. Fundraising makes up over 50% of our annual income (40% is from membership payments). Needless to say, by joining our fundraising team you are helping Sha’ar Zahav grow strong as a finically viable non-profit organization.


Membership Committee

Contact: Martin Tannenbaum

Would you like to see your community continue to grow? By joining the membership group, you will reach out and welcome new members or chat with prospective members. Along with the Director of Engagement, you will also take part in planning and improving the application and membership process.


Newsletter Committee, Jewish Gaily Forward (JGF)

Contact: Paul Cohen

The Newsletter Committee is responsible for producing the Jewish Gaily Forward (JGF). We solicit articles and pictures, edit the material that’s submitted, work with our designer on the layout, and proofread the final product. We meet by phone once a quarter to evaluate the last newsletter and plan the upcoming one, and once in person for the first edit. Everything else is done by email. We love having new members!


Ritual Committee (RitCom)

Contact: James Carlson

Contact 2: Ron Edelman

Interested in leading services, giving a drash (talk), helping develop new liturgy, or sharing your ideas? Then join RitCom! Even if you have never done this, our Ritual Committee will set you up with a mentor to coach you through it all. As a lay-led community, partaking in services is one of the biggest perks Sha’ar Zahav offers. Take advantage of it! Meetings are open to all members; you can be a ritual expert or a newbie – we all learn together. We usually meet the last Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm.

James Carlson is stepping in to co-chair the Ritual Committee with Ron Edelman, who continues as co-chair. We look forward to Ron’s and James’s working with our Rabbi, Cantor, and the Ritual Committee in helping to set Sha’ar Zahav’s ritual agenda and continuing to strengthen our clergy/lay partnership in service leading and other ritual activities.


Scents and Sensibility Task-force

Contact: Bob Gordon

A new group is helping to build a scent-free Sha’ar Zahav.


Social Action Committee

Contact: Neil Young

Contact 2: Nancy Wecker

Do you want to help further the Jewish goal of tikkun olam (repairing the world)? The Social Action Committee works to make a better world a reality. Committee members have focused on immigration issues, housing, gun violence, and Muslim-Jewish relationships.