2024 Pride at Sha'ar Zahav

Show your Queer Jewish Pride at our annual extravaganza Pride Shabbat! Do you know someone who could use a pride lift during this difficult time? Invite them! Led by Rabbi Copeland and Cantor Bernstein.

6:30pm (in-person only): Pre-Pride Party

7:30pm (Hybrid): Shabbat Services

Click here to register

We will gather at Dolores Park (up the hill from where 19th Street intersects with Dolores) to share Shabbat ritual and a BYO picnic dinner before the march. Sponsored by Kehilla Community Synagogue and Sha’ar Zahav.

Click here for more information

If you have registered, please click here for important information about your line-up number, arrival time and more.

Walk or ride! We are marching with a multifaith group of religious organizations, United in Spirit with a lineup time at 2pm. Some of our members will also be marching or riding with the large Jewish contingent, headed by the JCCSF with a lineup time at 12pm. In this difficult time within Jewish and Queer communities, it is important that we are present in both contingents, so let’s make a great showing! To keep everyone safe, this year, pre-registration is mandatory for JCCSF.

Click here to register (if walking with United in Spirit)

Click here to register (if walking with JCCSF)