Membership Financial Commitment and Renewal

Together we have accomplished a great deal over the past year: we have found new ways to hold and help one another, to pray together while in-shul and at-home, to continue fighting for a more just world, to raise and educate our children, and so much more. It required creativity, persistence, and compassion. We could not have done it without you. It also takes significant financial resources to cover our $1.2 million budget. With 300+ member households, this translates to about $3,180 annually per household.

We recognize, of course, that for many members, this level of financial support is not possible. To assure that all can participate, we have no minimum dues requirement – but we ask each member to make a personally significant financial commitment.

Might you consider a commitment to support our fabulous community?

Please consider making your donation now.

We’ve made it easy; click here.

Sha’ar Zahav does not set membership dues for its members. Instead, we ask each member to pledge an amount that is meaningful to them, a gift from the heart.

To cover any gaps in the community’s annual expenses or for capital improvement projects, Sha’ar Zahav launches several annual fundraising campaigns and invites the participation of all community members and non-members alike.

Renewing your Membership

Like most congregations, Sha’ar Zahav’s fiscal year is from July to June. Your annual membership is renewed every June with your new annual contribution to the community.

You may mail a check, or other form of payment, to:

Sha’ar Zahav
290 Dolores St.
San Francisco CA 94103

Or call 415-861-6932 to have your payment taken over the phone.

Employer Gift Matching

Many employers offer matching gift programs that can double or even triple a donation’s value. Check with your company to see if they will match your gift to Sha’ar Zahav!

Thank you for your continued support!